*** B(eing) Unique is a GOOD THING ***
3D Ribbon Trims
6" / 16cm Metallic Crinoline Braid Diamond Pattern with Draw-String - AU
6" / 16cm Metallic Crinoline with Draw-String - US
Adjustable Sweatband Ribbon - AU
Adjustable Sweatband Ribbon - UK
Adjustable Sweatband Ribbon - US
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #1
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #2
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #3
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #4
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #5
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #6
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #7
Applique Iron On Embroidery Patch #8
Biot Feather Star Flower on Wire - UK
Biot Feather Starburst on Wire - UK
Boning - polyester\plastic - AU
Buntal Capeline - AU
Buntal Capeline - UK
Buntal Capelines - CA